Muscles of the Face
Surgical Artistry Academy Lessons
2336 Sylvan Ave. Suite C
Modesto, CA
(209) 551-1888
Aesthetician Muscles of the Face

Frontalis Muscle
Contraction of the entire frontalis draws the eyebrows and skin of the
forehead upwards and forms horizontal wrinkles running across the forehead.
It is composed of inner (medial) and outer (lateral) parts, which can
function relatively independently.
Insertion/origin: Eyebrows and Galea Aponeurotica

The Procerus - not labeled picture above but is
shown below with the big arrow (also known as the depressor
glabellae or pyramidalis nasi) muscle originates in the
fascia of the nasal bone and upper nasal cartilage, runs
through the area of the root of the nose, and fans upward to
insert in the skin in the center of the forehead between the
eyebrows. It acts to pull the skin of the center of the
forehead down, forming transverse wrinkles in the glabella
region and bridge of the nose. This horizontal wrinkle at
the root of the nose is sometimes referred to as the
"champion pucker" because this muscle often contracts in
effortful activities. It usually acts together with
corrugator and/or orbicularis oculi and/or the nasal part of
levator labii superioris. It is very difficult to contract
deliberately without involving these other muscles.
The Procerus muscle causes frowning, as in wrinkling of
the brow on the face.
The appearance of a frown varies from culture to culture.
Although most technical definitions define it as a wrinkling
of the brow, in the USA it is primarily thought of as an
expression of the mouth.
Procerus is innervated by the temporal, lower zygomatic,
and buccal branches of the facial nerve (VII) and is
supplied with blood by the facial artery. |

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Modesto, CA
Surgical Artistry, Inc.
Veins, Acupuncture, Plastic Surgery, Spa services,

Call us: (209)
Write us: staff [at] surgerytoday.com
Tammy Wu, MD -
Plastic Surgeon
Calvin Lee, MD - General Surgeon |
Plastic Surgery

Surgery Expertise includes:
Breast augmentation / Breast
Tummy Tuck / Abdominoplasty
Liposuction / Body contouring
Thigh lift / Buttock lift
Face lift / Neck lift
