Surgical Artistry is run by Dr. Tammy Wu and Dr. Calvin Lee.  Located in Modesto, California, we offer services in Plastic Surgery, Botox, Acupuncture, and Veins (facial veins and leg veins)

Tammy Wu, MD  |  Calvin Lee, MD  |  (209) 551-1888  | 
Mon-Fri 8am -5pm  •  2336 Sylvan Ave. C, Modesto, CA 95355 (next to the post office)

 FaceBook for Surgical Artistry, Plastic Surgery in Modesto, CA - we would love for you to "like us"   BD = Brilliant Distinctions offered by the makers of Botox and Juvederm.  Discounts for Botox, Juvederm, and Latisse are available.  We can also sign you up at our office.    Plastic Surgery  |  Botox  |  Acupuncture  |  Veins



Medical Spa MD

MedicalSpaMD, a community of dermatologists,
plastic surgeons, laser clinics, and skin clinics


I am very honored to have been asked by MedicalSpaMD to give an interview (6/25/12) regarding my experiences as an aesthetic / cosmetic physician.  Because their audience is mainly dermatologists, plastic surgeons and laser clinics, they asked if there was any advice I was willing to share with other doctors and practitioners.  I touched on topics of Botox, dermal fillers, vein injections, vein lasers, staff communication, and plastic surgery marketing.

Here's the article resulting from the interview:


Dr. Calvin Lee, Surgical Artistry In Modesto, California

Building and managing a medical spa, vein clinic and cosmetic practice with his plastic surgeon wife is truly a dream come true for this physician.


< full text on MedicalSpMd >


A Modesto surgeon's violin / piano videos and MP3 

Modesto Plastic Surgery  |  Breast Augmentation  |  Tummy Tuck


Website Navigation

Dr. WuPlastic Surgery  |  Why Choose Dr. Wu  |  Cost of Surgery  |  Breast Augmentation  |  Breast Surgery  |  Tummy Tuck 

Dr. LeeGeneral Surgery  |  Botox  |  Juvederm  |  Peels  |  Microderm  |  Facial Veins  |  Veins  |  Acupuncture :  Back Pain, Fertility

Skin Care :  Obagi  |  NIA 24  |  SkinCeuticals  |  Colorescience  |  Latisse  |  Cosmetic Mole Removal  |  Aesthetic Blog  | Search Site

Reviews  |  Give us Feedback  |  Updates & Specials  |  Services  |  Modesto Life  |  Medical Fun Facts  |  Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon 


Surgical Artistry webpage is for information only, not medical advice. homemade website by Calvin Lee, MD and Tzuying Tammy Wu, MD, Modesto, CA
Botox in Modesto, California  Date of edit: 06/25/2012