Surgical Artistry is run by Dr. Tammy Wu and Dr. Calvin Lee.  Located in Modesto, California, we offer services in Plastic Surgery, Botox, Acupuncture, and Veins (facial veins and leg veins)

Tammy Wu, MD  |  Calvin Lee, MD  |  (209) 551-1888  | 
Mon-Fri 8am -5pm  •  4754 Dale Road, Modesto, CA 95356

FaceBook for Surgical Artistry, Plastic Surgery in Modesto, CA - we would love for you to "like us"   BD = Brilliant Distinctions offered by the makers of Botox and Juvederm.  Discounts for Botox, Juvederm, and Latisse are available.  We can also sign you up at our office.    Plastic Surgery  |  Botox  |  Acupuncture  |  Veins


Cost of Breast Augmentation

by Tammy Wu, MD Modesto Plastic Surgeon





What is the cost of breast augmentation?

A breast augmentation procedure’s cost varies according to region as well as the choice of saline vs. silicone gel implants as well as whether additional procedures are needed to optimize the symmetry and aesthetics of the breasts. The options and choices are important for you to discuss with your surgeon.


In the Central Valley region of California, in Modesto, where our office is located, the cost of breast augmentation can range from $6500 or so to $11,000 or more for a breast augmentation with lift and possibly additional procedures to enhance the overall appearance.  Please call our office at (209) 551-1888 and our office staff will be happy to assist you.  See the previous link for even more details (includes pricing info on breast lift surgery).


I encourage you to call our office and come in for before and after photos for plastic surgeries (including breast augmentation before and afters), which you may view at your leisure during our normal business hours of Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm.


Breast augmentation is a procedure that is quite satisfying to the individual having the surgery done, but there are important decisions to make along the way to ensure the best outcome possible. I believe that a well-informed patient will make the best decision for herself.




If you are interested in getting Breast Augmentation with Dr. Wu, the information above will be most valuable.  This is new information and was personally written by Dr. Tammy Wu in May 2012.


Please feel free to contact our office (209) 551-1888 if you would like more information.


Modesto Plastic Surgery Prices for various procedures



Modesto Plastic Surgery  |  Why Choose Dr. Wu  |  Cost of Surgery

Intro to Breast Augmentation Options Breast Augmentation FAQ  |  Tummy Tuck


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This Surgical Artistry webpage is for information only, not medical advice. Dr. Tammy Wu on Google+ homemade website by Calvin Lee, MD and Tzuying Tammy Wu, MD, Modesto, CA
Cost of breast augmentation in Modesto, California  Date of edit: 06/02/2019