Surgical Artistry is run by Dr. Tammy Wu and Dr. Calvin Lee.  Located in Modesto, California, we offer services in Plastic Surgery, Botox, Acupuncture, and Veins (facial veins and leg veins)

Tammy Wu, MD  |  Calvin Lee, MD  |  (209) 551-1888  | 
Mon-Fri 8am -5pm  •  2336 Sylvan Ave. C, Modesto, CA 95355 (next to the post office)

FaceBook for Surgical Artistry, Plastic Surgery in Modesto, CA - we would love for you to "like us"   BD = Brilliant Distinctions offered by the makers of Botox and Juvederm.  Discounts for Botox, Juvederm, and Latisse are available.  We can also sign you up at our office.    Plastic Surgery  |  Botox  |  Acupuncture  |  Veins


What to do after your chemical peel (Blue Peel)

Written by Dr. Calvin Lee, Surgeon

Each practice will have different directions and each patient will have different needs regarding recovery from the Obagi Blue Peel.  These are guidelines that can be customized for each patient.

split face.  Picture taken and posted with permission
actual patient

Our Post Procedure Instructions for the Obagi Blue Peel (original-deep)

Extra Moisture Needed for Protection and Comfort

Modify Usage of Obagi Products

Sun Protection is a must, otherwise we would undo the effects

Prevention of problems such as swelling and infection


Picture obtained from internet.  Source unknown.

A possible Timeline after Obagi Blue Peel




Modesto Plastic Surgery  |  Why Choose Dr. Wu  |  Cost of Surgery

Breast Augmentation  |  Tummy Tuck

Blue Peel Radiance (medium)  |  Blue Peel (deep)

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Dr. WuPlastic Surgery  |  Why Choose Dr. Wu  |  Cost of Surgery  |  Breast Augmentation  |  Breast Surgery  |  Tummy Tuck 

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Surgical Artistry webpage is for information only, not medical advice. homemade website by Calvin Lee, MD and Tzuying Tammy Wu, MD, Modesto, CA
after your chemical peel in Modesto, California  Date of edit: 06/30/2012