Tammy Wu, MD | Calvin Lee, MD
| (209) 551-1888 |
Mon-Fri 8am -5pm • 2336 Sylvan Ave. C, Modesto, CA
95355 (next to the post office)
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Written by Dr. Calvin Lee, Surgeon
Each practice will have different directions and each patient will have different needs regarding recovery from the Obagi Blue Peel. These are guidelines that can be customized for each patient.
Apply Vaseline or Aquaphor every 2 hours as needed for the next 4-5 days. Towards the end of the next week, you may consider using a generic moisturizer. We carry Obagi Action which is a creamy moisturizer designed to work after the Obagi Blue Peel. We don’t routinely offer Obagi Action, but you can ask for it if you feel like using an excellent after-peel moisturizer. Retail price of Action is about $45. Of course, consider using your own moisturizer if you already have some at home.
Consider using Gentle Cleanser (instead of your usual cleanser) – Morning and Evening for the next week.
Do not exfoliate (ie. Exfoderm, Exfoderm forte, or Clarisonic brush) until after 1 week later.
For now, stop Obagi Products except for gentle cleanser and sunblock. Resume regular Obagi products in about one week, but Dr. Lee will fine tune date of return to Obagi products.
Sunblock – Regular use and reapply before going out. Can place on top of Vaseline if needed.
Wear a hat whenever going outside for the next 1 week.
Try to stay away from windows because of the sunlight for the next 1 week. UV-A rays from the sun can penetrate through the window.
Consider elevating your head during the day and while sleeping (Use several pillows if necessary) for the next 48 hours.
To keep swelling to a minimum. Avoid heavy duty lifting or bending for the next 48 hours. As a rough guideline, no heavy lifting greater than 25 lbs.
If you have cold sores in the past on the face, take your oral cold sore medicine (ie. Acyclovir) the day before, the day of, and the day after your blue peel. If you develop a cold sore from the “stress” of the procedure, continue taking the medicine till the cold sores are gone. Call us for refills if necessary.
Call us at 209-551-1888. We are available to see you frequently until your skin heals (which will be in about 1 week).
Picture obtained from internet. Source unknown.
Day One after your chemical peel - you may still be bluish colored, but very lightly. Use a gentle cleanser to help remove the blue coloring. Use vaseline as needed to moisturize your skin every 2 hours while you are awake. Sun protection as always, is especially a must. Hold off on using these Obagi products: Clear, Exfoderm, Blender, Sunfader, and Tretinoin. So the products you can use are: Cleanser, Toner, Sun Shield (or other sun block with zinc oxide). Sun block can be applied over vaseline. Re-application of sun block is essential - even if indoors. UV light (UV-A) can penetrate through windows. Some patients find that if they keep their heads elevated, they will have less swelling in their face. Most patients don't experience much swelling.
Day Two - same as day one but at this point the blue color should be about 95% washed off. Your facial skin will feel tight and may itch a bit.
Day Three - consider switching your moisturizing strategy to Obagi Action every two hours. Your skin will be very dry and dark spots and lines may look worse today as the peeling starts. Areas around the mouth and nose usually start peeling first.
Day Four - consider adding Exfoderm back to your regimen
Day Five, Six, and Seven - no changes.
Day Eight - consider returning to your Obagi regimen if your skin is no longer peeling. Consider continuing the Obagi Action for another few more days then after that, you are back to your regular skin routine.
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by Calvin Lee, MD and Tzuying Tammy Wu, MD, Modesto, CA
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