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Plastic Surgery | Botox | Acupuncture | Veins |
This page is a collection of clinically relevant links that we have written for Surgical Artistry. This page serves as an index or table of contents of our original material. Our web pages are designed and written directly by Dr. Calvin Lee and Dr. Tammy Wu. We try to find snippets of time between patients, during vacations, and at strange hours to make these websites. In fact this site map web page was started at 3am in the morning on 2/17/13. We enjoy having direct communication and direct control over what is presented online. Dr. Calvin Lee still clings on to his historical claim to fame as being one of the first creators (if not the very first) of a plastic surgery web page on the internet (made for Brown University's Plastic Surgery Department), having one of the most effective internet breast cancer support groups, and being mentioned in US News and World reports for a particular web page he made in the past. However, he hasn't progressed much in his style of creating web pages. They are still some what old fashioned. But we think the information still gets across, and with newer mobile devices, the old style of making web pages is coming back.
If you are interested in learning more about our office, our about plastic surgery, veins, or acupuncture, this may be the page to come back to and slowly visit some (or all) of the web pages linked here. We filtered out the other 100 or so other pages that we have made which are of lesser relevance to plastic surgery (and acupuncture).
Some of the web pages here are off-site (not under our www.surgerytoday.com domain) in sites which we have called microsites - we liked the idea of keeping some of the sites very focused in topic, but somehow with Google's new search algorithm for search engine optimization, most of our microsites have become hard to find; thus we're hoping by making this web page, we're calling a "plastic surgery site map", you will be able to find these valuable web sites again.
Breast Augmentation Options - a description of the many options available regarding breast augmentation surgery - including breast implant choices and breast augmentation incisions. We want you to be informed and have a chance to choose the best implant for your personal preference and vision. At your personalized private consultation with Dr. Tammy wu, she will guide you into options which would work well with your body type and activity level - present, past and future.
Breast Augmentation FAQ written by Dr. Wu - Frequently Asked Questions regarding Breast Augmentation written by Dr. Tammy Wu in 2012.
Breast Augmentation Consultation in Modesto with Dr. Tammy Wu - a discussion of what goes on in the 2+ hour breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Wu, and the option of a meeting with our patient care coordinator before the breast augmentation consultation.
Cost of Breast Augmentation in Modesto with us - ranges of the cost of breast augmentation, but there are so many variables when it comes to breast augmentation surgery. If you are interested in the cost, please click on the this link and the link regarding the cost of plastic surgery cases in general. The link is found under the section titled "Modesto Plastic Surgery."
Modesto Plastic Surgery and Dr. Tammy Wu - has info regarding the history of the creation of Surgical Artistry in Modesto and more background regarding Dr. Tammy Wu, and a little bit about Dr. Calvin Lee. Has information about the work we do in Los Angeles, California. And has a listing of the plastic surgery procedures that we offer.
Breast Augmentation FAQ written by Staff - Frequently asked questions regarding breast augmentation. Written by the staff at Surgical Artistry with the assistance and guidance of Dr. Tammy Wu, board certified Plastic Surgeon operating in Modesto, California. This is an older page and written around 2007. Please feel free to view this page, but in addition view the Breast Augmentation FAQ listed above. It is hard to fnd this page via Google search.
Running with Breast Implants - Some thoughts about special considerations for runners who are considering breast augmentation. Dr. Wu is also a runner. For some reason Google has never indexed this page.
After Breast Augmentation - Questions patients have AFTER breast augmentation. Sometimes questions pop up after the procedure. We collected some of the questions and answered some of them in generic broad terms. Hopefully the info here will help. But of course, see your physician in person. Google doesn't index this page well, currently. Some of these pages are very unique and helpful and not found elsewhere.
Breast Reduction FAQ - Breast Reduction information page written by Dr. Tammy Wu in 2012.
Modesto Tummy Tuck Information - written by Dr. Tammy Wu in the form of a FAQ in 2012. For cost of Tummy Tuck, please visit the link under Modesto Plastic Surgery
Modesto Tummy Tuck FAQ - written by Surgical Artistry staff in 2009. For some reason, Google doesn't index this page well anymore.
Cost of Plastic Surgical Procedures in Modesto with us - Tummy Tuck, Saline Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Breast Lift, Face Lift, Liposuction, Botox, fillers, Veins, etc. There is another web page listed under Breast Augmentation that specifically addresses the costs of breast augmentation. This page is for plastic surgical procedures in general.
Our Plastic Surgery Reviews on the Internet - reviews that were found on the internet in the past. Most of this was found before Google somehow changed the system.
Thank you notes for our plastic surgery practice - nice things patients have said about us. We haven't kept this up, but it was a fun project done by one of our staff members. This was made in 2008.
Logos for the press - a collection of Surgical Artistry logos that may be used (newspapers, other websites, press releases, etc).
Why Choose Dr. Tammy Wu in Modesto for your Plastic Surgery - the link says it all.
Medicine is the language we speak at home - an essay by Dr. Tammy Wu regarding her childhood (growing up with a medical family) and her large number of relatives who are doctors. Has a picture of Dr. Wu as a 3 year old.
What is plastic surgery? - an essay by Dr. Tammy Wu. This is part one of the meaning of plastic surgery to Dr. Tammy Wu. written in 2009.
What does a plastic surgeon do? another essay by Dr. Tammy Wu. This is essentially part two of the meaning of plastic surgery.
Color Schemes of paint and tiles used in our plastic surgery office - We built our plastic surgery office in Modesto in 2006. We did the tenant improvements. The paint is from Kelly-Moore. The lobby floor is walnut hard wood floor.
Surgical Office Closings / Holidays - days that the office has off. But the surgeons are still available as usual for emergencies and urgent phone calls.
Our Best Plastic Surgery Modesto Main Page - www.SurgeryToday.com. I reserved this domain name back in 1999. There are other domains. For some time we couldn't decide which one to use as our main page. For now, this is it.
Wonderful things about Modesto - a website inspired by local Modesto area FaceBook users who chimed in to make a short list of what they like about Modesto, CA.
Almond tree blossoms - we took pictures in a almond orchard near us in Modesto, CA on 3/2/13.
Nikki Chiverrell creates Skinnovations in Modesto - a local esthetician who has great enthusiasm and talent. We were introduced to her through a mutual patient.
Friends of Surgical Artistry - Connections we've made since we've made Modesto, CA our home in 2003.
Marathon goal time with average pace and mph chart - calculated by using an Excel spreadsheet made by Dr. Calvin Lee. We are the Title Sponsors of the Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon.
Related to Computers
SEO for plastic surgery: Penguin Sins learned from our Modesto Plastic Surgery websites - around May 2012, Google Penguin started changing up the search results, and our websites took a tremendous hit. Dr. Calvin Lee reviews what he thinks were the problems.
Free computer programs which has helped our plastic surgery practice - some of these links no longer work. These are useful tools that helps to keep the office running smoothly, such as slide show software which we use in the lobby of our office.
Recipes by Dana Bueno - Mostly Gluten Free and Vegan. Dana is a operator / owner of a bakery in Springfield, Illinois for over 12 years, and she's personal friends with Dr. Calvin Lee and Dr. Tammy Wu. She is sharing her expertise on our website!
Calvin Lee, MD - Credentials, etc, and includes a section on how Dr. Lee chose Modesto, CA in 2003.
Dr. Calvin Lee's interview on MedicalSpaMD.com - detailed interview. More than you'd probably want to know. This is an interview to inspire other aethetic doctors in our field. It's an international resource.
I found my surgical freedom at Doctors Medical Center - an essay written by Dr. Calvin Lee on July 4th 2012. With pictures from taken from his camera which was brand new at the time. This was an opportunity to try out the new camera. There is some references to the time when Dr. Calvin Lee worked as a Trauma Surgeon at Doctors Medical Center (DMC), in Modesto, CA.
What's great about Modesto, CA? - an essay written by Dr. Calvin Lee in 2012.
Modesto Surgery - this is an older webpage, and has a slant toward Dr. Calvin Lee's general surgery background.
Cellulite Notes - notes taken regarding this very difficult to treat problem. In general we don't have much to offer regarding cellulite.
Dr. Calvin Lee's website creation for the Brown University Plastic Surgery website - this was originally made in 1995. Dr. Lee believes that it is one of the first Plastic Surgery websites ever made. He actually learned to make websites for this particular project. He still makes websites in a similar, old-fashioned way. This website is no longer used for Brown University. But it is copied and stored here for historical interest.
Modesto Piano and Violin Music - Calvin Lee, MD - Collection of some of the YouTube Videos featuring the music of Dr. Calvin Lee - piano and violin.
CME (Continuing Medical Education) for Calvin Lee - a listing of CME activities for Calvin Lee, MD staring 3/19/13 to Mid April 2013. Then I continued it in the blog below:
CME Education Blog - lifelong learning!
Getting Botox in Modesto with Dr. Calvin Lee - written by Dr. Calvin Lee. This is a pretty large website and includes the cost of Botox, and the cost broken down into Botox areas. It also has a section on the age of Botox Patients. There is also an relatively large section on the Botox side effects.
Names and locations of the muscles of the face which can receive cosmetic Botox - Glabellar Complex, Corrugator, Procerus, Obicularis, etc. Across the internet, this is one of our most popular web pages.
Acupuncture article published in Contentment Health Magazine - written by Dr. Calvin Lee in 2012/2013. This page has a listing of services regarding acupuncture.
Modesto Acupuncture - the main acupuncture webpage for Dr. Calvin Lee.
Modesto Vein treatments - main vein website for Dr. Calvin Lee. Discussed Spider veins, sclerotherapy, and laser treatments.
Spider Vein and Varicose Vein FAQ - written by Dr. Calvin Lee in 2007.
Post-procedure instructions after vein surgery - regarding compression stockings, pain control, etc. after vein phlebectomy or lasering. Located at www.askdrwu.com
Running Compression Socks - we carry two different brands of running socks - CEP and Sigvaris. Both brands have their origins in Europe. In addition to these socks we carry stockings and dress socks related to our surgical vein practice.
Intro to Latisse - Latisse is an eyelash growth drug.
Latisse FAQ - much more in-depth discussion regarding Latisse and eyelashes.
Chemical Peels - medium - Obagi Blue Peel Radiance. See pictures here of Dr. Calvin Lee performing a chemical peel on Dr. Tammy Wu.
Chemical Peels - deep - Obagi Blue Peel - original
After Obagi Blue Peel - aftercare instructions (for the deep peel)
SunScreen Choices and Safety - an article written by Dr. Calvin Lee about the choices of Sunscreen ingredients and the need for good sunscreen to maintain youthful skin.
Surgical Artistry webpage is for information
only, not medical advice.
Dr. Tammy Wu on Google+
www.surgerytoday.com homemade website
by Calvin Lee, MD and Tzuying Tammy Wu, MD, Modesto, CA
Date of edit:
Modesto Plastic Surgery
| Modesto Botox |
Acupuncture |
2336 Sylvan Ave. Suite C, Modesto, CA 95355
(209) 551-1888