Cleaning Solar Panels Adds At Least 10% More Electricity

personal solar farm in Modesto, CA

Solar Panels in Modesto, CA

How much improvement do we get from Cleaning Solar Panels, in Modesto, CA?

Let’s see, here’s a graph from the day before cleaning to the day after cleaning:
(May 7, 2013)

washed solar panel graph between one day and the next

You see a nice difference between these two days, but perhaps it might be unfair it might have been a cloudy day before cleaning.

So let’s take a look at several days before and several days after cleaning of the solar panels

This is a graph showing 4 days before and 4 days after

energy produced

Four days before cleaning and 4 days after cleaning

Dirty vs. Clean Solar Panels.  4 days before and 4 days after washing. There is a 26.7% difference in my case here with washing!! 

But I think there’s a better way to measure, taking the two best days of the 4 days before and the two best days of the 4 days afterwards, the difference comes out to 13.3% difference. I think two days before washing the solar panels, the skies were a bit cloudy. My conclusion so far is that washing the solar panels will increase output by 10% or more.

How much electricity does my solar panels produce in one day?

Let’s take one day in the solar energy/electricity graph above.  Thursday, May 9th.  They produced 61.3 kWh’s of electricity.

Let’s see 61.3 kWh’s = 61,300 watts hours so in terms of 100 watt light bulbs, you could run 613 of them for 1 hour. How does that sound?? Or I did another calculation… You could drive a TESLA electric sports car at 55 miles per hour for about 240 miles with that kind of electricity. Or if I did the calculation properly, you could run a 1200 watt hair dryer for 51 hours.  Disclaimer:  My calculations are approximate, not exact.  Plus I don’t do calculations like this professionally.

I think it’s worthwhile to have the extra 10%+ of electricity especially on the higher producing electricity days.

How is this relevant to Plastic Surgery / Cosmetic Surgery

This very important to plastic surgery!  We use energy based devices such as lasers for aesthetic purposes.  Understanding power, electricity, kWh, Joules, are all important aspects of understanding how to work with lasers.

  • kWh = kilowatt hour = a unit of energy equal to 1000 watt hours or 3.6 megajoules.
  • 1 kWh = 3600 kJ
  • J = Joule is a unit of energy.  It is equal to the energy expended in applying a force of one newton through a distance of 21 meter.
  • 1 Watt = a measure of power = 1 Joule per second. (W = J/s)

Lasers At Surgical Artistry

  • At Surgical Artistry, we have the Dornier 940 diode laser from Germany for spider veins and for endoluminal ablation of refluxing veins, it does measurements in Joules/cm2.  Meaning about of energy applied to a square cm2 area.  I’m always looking at these settings carefully when performing vein procedures.
  • I’ve always enjoyed physics, not just these formulas.  Perhaps it runs in my family, as there are several physics professionals in my family.  But there’s a whole field on the physics of electricity, energy, and lasers.  And all this info is worth reviewing for physicians who work with lasers and other energy sources.
  • We may consider consider getting other lasers at Surgical Artistry in the future.  Stay tuned.  Contact us for more info if needed (209) 551-1888. 


  • Conclusion from the above experiment of cleaning the solar panels and measuring output before and afterwards?  We have confounding issues of weather conditions ie. clouds.  I think it is safe to say that there would be at least a 10% improvement.  My measurements show 26% improvement by comparing 4 days before washing and 4 days after washing the solar panels.  Then my comparison showed a 13% improvement taking the 2 best days of the 4 days before and comparing with the 2 best days 4 days after washing.
  • And yes, doing experiments like this is useful for me in my continued medical education.
Dr. Calvin Lee using power from the Sun

Picture of me harnessing the power of the sun