Running Race Log

Race Log for Calvin Lee

Calvin Lee


  1. 5/14/2000 Flying Pigs Marathon, Cincinnati, OH,  5:04:00 (PR)
  2. 4/29/2001 Big Sur Marathon, Monterey, CA,  5:30:00
  3. 3/25/2010 Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon I,  7:03:00
  4. 3/20/2011 Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon II,  5:57:05
  5. 10/16/2011 Nike Women’s Marathon, San Francisco, CA,  6:01:00
  6. 3/18/2012 Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon III,  5:08:00 (near PR)
  7. 10/14/2012 Nike Women’s Marathon, San Francisco, CA,  5:58:23
  8. 3/24/2013 Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon, IV,  5:46:54

Half Marathons

  1. 1/9/2000 Disney half marathon, Orlando, FL,  2:12:00 (PR)
  2. 11/12/2011 Santa Barbara Half Marathon, CA,  3:02:15
  3. 8/26/2012 Santa Rosa Half Marathon, CA,  2:37:28
  4. 9/30/2012 Peace Officers Half Marathon, Modesto, CA  2:22:38
  5. 11/18/2012 Big Sur Half Marathon, CA,  2:18:13


  • 4-24-2010 Climb for cure 10K, Riverbank, CA,  1:07:00
  • 5-1-2010 Peace Officers 10K, Modesto, CA,  1:07:54
  • 6-26-2010 Lodi Arts Sqaure, Lodi, CA  1:07:29


  • 10-24-1999, Chicago Marathon 5K,  25:56 (PR)
  • 11-26-2002 Jingle Bell 5K, Springfield, IL,  27:51
  • 4-17-2010 Run for Health 5K, Modesto, CA,  33:35
  • 5-29-2010 Modesto Classic 5K, Modesto, CA, 30:12
  • 6-19-2010 VIPS 5K, Riverbank, CA,  28:27
  • 11-25-2010 Turkey Trot 5K, Modesto, CA,  29:57
  • 11-24-2011 Turkey Trot 5K,  29:05
  • 11-22-2012  Turkey Trot 5K,  29:52



Purpose of this running race log is to help me keep track of my efforts and progress at running events.  The reason it is online is for the hopes that it will inspire others.  Exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.  However, excess of anything isn’t usually a good thing.  Please visit our home page:

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