Monthly Archives: June 2013

Cities near Modesto, California

Map of Modesto, CA and surrounding areas in the Central Valley

Map of Modesto, CA and surrounding areas in the Central Valley

Where is Modesto, CA?

Visit this page I made a few years ago to get a better idea of Where is Modesto, CA?

Listing of nearby Cities to Modesto, California

Modesto is located in the middle of California

Cities North of Modesto, California

  • Del Rio (not really a city but a separate part of Modesto)
  • Ripon
  • Escalon
  • Oakdale
  • Manteca
  • Tracy
  • French Camp
  • Stockton
  • Lodi
  • Brentwood
  • Livermore
  • Galt
  • Angels Camp
  • Sonora

Cities South of Modesto, California

  • Turlock
  • Patterson
  • Delhi
  • Irwin
  • Livingston
  • Atwater
  • Merced
  • Newman
  • Chowchilla

Why this listing of nearby cities to Modesto is important

  • To help a person locate Modesto.  Especially if someone is new to Modesto, CA or moving close to Modesto, CA.
  • This may be important for someone else (in addition to me) with regards to SEO targeting work (Search Engine Optimization)
  • To help a person who is targeting the Modesto area for advertisements.  For example FaceBook has demographic choices where you can select the cities nearby.  A list of the cities, helps select the target audience for any advertisements.  We’ve done a few advertisements in the past with FaceBook – related to our Plastic Surgery practice in Modesto.  We’ve even done a zip code analysis of our patients – most common zip codes visiting our plastic surgery office.

Modesto area ZIP code analysis

  • Visit my previous Modesto area zip code page – most common zip codes coming to Surgical Artistry.
  • This lists the top 10 zip codes coming to Surgical Artistry Plastic Surgery, Breast Augmentation, Tummy Tuck, Acupuncture, Veins, and Botox injections.
  • What I didn’t explain (yet, as of the writing of this page) about the to 10 zip codes on that page is that they are listed in the order of saturation of that zip code.  I had access to the population of each zip code.  Saturation means percentage of that zip code which has seen us.  I believe that the top zip code had 2% of the population see us.  The bottom of the top 10 (position 10) had about 1% of that zip code population come and experience our services. (209) 551-1888
(209) 551-1888


Tomato plants in Modesto, CA

Sun Sugar Tomato.  First harvested on 6-23-13.  The flavor was delicious!

Sun Sugar Tomato. First harvested on 6-23-13. The flavor was delicious!

One of our hobbies is gardening.  Since 2003, we’ve bee planting various tomato plants in Modesto.  We really like planting heirloom tomatoes.

When does the first tomato harvest of the year happen in Modesto, California

The timing of the first ripe tomato in our Modesto backyards is around the beginning of July.  A nice way to celebrate July 4th!  We’ve had friends get pounds of tomatoes even before July.  Our ares of tomato plantings have some shading so it’s probably not as optimal, but it works and fresh harvested tomatoes are delicious!  It’s one of my favorite things to do in our back yard in Modesto, CA.

We usually use raised beds and tomato cages called “Texas Tomato Cages” which has been sturdy for us for the last 10 years, and we leave the cages outside all the time.  I’ve ordered these cages online.

This is what the yellow pear (cherry tomato) looks like today 6-23-13.  They aren't ready yet.  But they seem very prolific.  I grew these before and I got so many of these, I started getting sick of them (as did my neighbors).  We'll see how they do this year - it's a different location and the prolific nature of these probably has to do with location.

This is what the yellow pear (cherry tomato) looks like today 6-23-13. They aren’t ready yet. But they seem very prolific. I grew these before and I got so many of these, I started getting sick of them (as did my neighbors). We’ll see how they do this year – it’s a different location and the prolific nature of these probably has to do with location.

Great healthy eating is great for our health and reflects well on our skin.  We do believe that healthy appearing skin starts with great nutrition, and then followed by great sun protection – as you may already know, Zinc is our favorite product in sunscreen. (209) 551-1888
(209) 551-1888

Date has been set for the 5th Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon in 2014

The 2014 Date of the Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon has been chosen

  • Sunday March 23, 2014

Meetings have started (its’ now middle of 2013) to plan for the 5th annual Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon.  The organizational team is mobilizing into action to make this next event even better than ever.  The technology is at a high level with timing chips, multiple check points, killer website, blogs, email communications, surveys, and social media!  Even more importantly, a new race director has been chosen to direct the 6th marathon.  We are anticipating great things this year, but the team needs to work hard to bring it to life.

Next, Dr. Wu and Dr. Lee will be going to the Marathon Expo at the Santa Rosa Marathon to help promote the Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon and to sell some compression socks (which are also great for varicose veins).

Dr. Wu and Dr. Lee at the Sacramento Marathon Expo promoting the Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon

Dr. Wu and Dr. Lee at the Sacramento Marathon Expo promoting the Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon

Stay tuned for more info about the Surgical Artistry Modesto Marathon.

Smart Lipo Question for Dr. Tammy Wu

Dr. Tammy Wu, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Modesto, CA, got asked about considering professional liability coverage for a few general surgeons and OB/GYNs in California who are applying for coverage of SmartLipo.   Dr. Wu explains her take on the situation

What is Smart Lipo?

SmartLipo by itself is not a dangerous procedure, it is laser-assisted liposuction, which has been shown to have a greater rate of seroma formation (as does ultrasound-assisted liposuction) and greater surrounding fatty tissue damage, possibly resulting in a greater potential for contour irregularities or deformities compared to traditional liposuction (old-fashioned way). Both laser and ultrasound are modalities used to “melt the fat” so that it makes it easier for the surgeon to do the liposuction. Traditional liposuction of sucking out the fat is still necessary, after the fat has been “melted”, so it is really not that different from traditional liposuction. It does not benefit the patient much, more for the surgeon. Of course, the marketing would have you believe that this is the greatest thing ever invented by mankind – NOT TRUE.  We have seen complications of the procedure which includes scar formation with the adipose tissue which has complicated some tummy tuck surgeries.  But we have also seen some wonderful work done with the device.

Dr. Tammy Wu prefers Traditional Liposuction over Smart Lipo

Personally, because of the higher rate of seroma and surrounding tissue injury, I believe that traditional liposuction is superior;  it is more work on the surgeon’s part, but I think of it as liposuction art created by hand rather than by machine.

Non-Core Physicians doing Liposuction out of their own offices.

SmartLipo is a procedure marketed by the SmartLipo company catering to those who operate out of their offices (either b/c they prefer to do so, or they can’t get privileges at the hospitals to do it b/c they are not core physicians, ie, plastic surgeons). I think the risk may be low for those non-core physicians doing these procedures, b/c I think they would be more conservative and less aggressive (hopefully). As an in- office-procedure, the amount of liposuction should be limited to a safe limit.

What does the ASPS say about Safe Liposuction Limits?

The ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons) recommends no more than 5L of total suction aspirate when liposuction is done in an office surgery suite, or surgery center by board certified plastic surgeons. Of course, all members of the ASPS (plastic surgeons) need to operate out of accredited surgery suites /centers. The non-core physicians may or may not have these restrictions.

Changes in Health Care is driving more non-core physicians to Liposuction.

Unfortunately, the way medicine and insurance is going, we are going to see more and more non-core physicians performing cosmetic procedures. We have to decide as a company what we want to do.

Dr. Wu says if they can prove good training, and are good physicians, then they have a chance at being good at Smart Lipo.

My personal opinion is that if they are well-trained in their specialty, and they have shown a responsible attitude (through office visits and claims history, as well as peer review opinions, etc.), it’s ok to approve them to do the procedure. However, I believe the following should be done before approval:

1. a site-visit is a must to evaluate the OR setting to make sure that they are equipped to react when the worse case scenario happens and to make sure that the suite/ center is accredited. Also the operating site should be in close proximity to a major hospital with ER in case of emergencies.

2. the physician should provide proof of training, and submit the number of cases performed, hopefully under supervision (for non-core physicians, not plastic surgeons – we get this stuff in residency and /or fellowship) to demonstrate competency in the procedure.

3. Preferably these are physicians who have no claims in the past in their own specialty. The reason for this is b/c plastic /cosmetic patients are very demanding and require a lot of TLC and patience. IF they have done well in their own specialty with good patient rapport, they most likely will continue to do so. I would not approve anyone who has had multiple claims for whatever reason, to do this procedure.

4. Limit their total liposuction aspirate to maybe 3L for each patient (for every surgery they do). This will minimize risks associated with large-volume liposuction (fat embolism, DVT, contour irregularities due to surgeon fatigue, etc.). We can consider having a clause saying that we would not cover the procedure if they do more than 3L at one setting.

5. We can also consider setting up a Risk Management Seminar specifically geared toward non-core physicians wishing to perform cosmetic procedures such as this. The seminar would probably be more medical, ie, the risks associated with liposuction, what to look for, what to avoid, etc. and require these non-core physicians to attend before approval.

Disclaimer: These are just her thoughts at the moment

These are my thoughts. It is a difficult market place out there. I would have normally said “no” to approving these physicians, but they are going to be a significant portion of those who attempt to resist joining large groups and try to stay on their own. We are a company that has historically catered to the small group and solo physicians, as an attempt to continue to support them, I think we may have to shift our thinking. As I said before, cosmetic and plastic surgery and some variations thereof (concierge medicine) will be the only ones standing alone amongst all of the recent and near future health care / insurance changes.

Dr. Wu is available to answer further questions to help professional liability companies consider coverage of Smart Lipo.

I hope this helps somewhat in answering your question. Let me know if you have any other questions.

cap two - the one to use



After BOTOX Instructions

My post-procedure recommendations for Botox

  1. Do not vigorously rub the areas injected with Botox for 4 days.  But you can touch these areas lightly.  I do want you to wash your face gently, wear makeup, wear sunblock, etc.
  2. Do not exercise vigorously for the next 4 hours after Botox injection.

Reasons and more details for the Botox post procedure recommendations above:

  • Rubbing can cause the Botox to move.  It is first injected as a liquid.  When the Botox gets moved by accident – it can cause the relaxations of muscles in areas other than the intended Botox targets.  This may lead to eyelid droop or double vision for example.  However, these risks are rare, but because they are present, I still want patients to take the precautions of avoiding vigorous rubbing after Botox.  Vigorous rubbing includes – rubbing with a knuckle, getting eyebrow waxing, Microdermabrasion, and perhaps using the Clarisonic brush.  Also things that rub the areas of Botox injection include face down massage, face down acupuncture, face down chiropractic manipulation.  The area I worry about the most is the glabellar area (the area between the eyes).  Other areas of Botox injections are reviewed here along with number of units and pricing.
  • Working out can cause the area of Botox injection to bruise more easily.  Four hours seems like a reasonable amount of time to allow any unrecognized subcutaneous bleeding to subside and thus the risk of bruising would become less.  With exercise there is an elevation of blood pressure which can sometimes cause subcutaneous bleeding to recur and thus cause more bruising.  However, with 4 hours of abstinence from exercise, the risk of additional bruising is decreased.

The risk of bruising after Botox injection

I believe that the risk of getting any sort of burise after Botox injection is about 20 percent.

Contact Us for any questions regarding your Botox aftercare

Please feel free to call us.  We would love to hear from you and any questions you may have after your Botox injection.  (209) 551-1888.

Other services that we offer besides Botox:

Our main webpage:


Disclaimer:  These are my part of the directions to my patients.  Please talk to your doctor in person for his or her directions.