Monthly Archives: December 2014

Plastic surgery meetings outside of Modesto?

We sometimes take the Bart to the San Francisco Airport – driving from Modesto.

Disclaimer: we are not Bart.  I don’t have details about Bart, and most of the time I’m pretty clueless about the Bart because I live in Modesto, and most of the time I have my life buried in our Plastic Surgery practice.  They have a telephone number:

Customer Service: (415) 773-1200
Hours: 8AM-5PM, M-F
APLT (Airport/Long-Term)permits are not available for purchase at any of the BART stations and can only be purchased online prior to arriving at the station.
Customers who purchase an APLT (Airport/Long-Term) parking permit may park in the station’s permit/reserved or other areas that are non-restricted.
These permits offer you a space to park in the stations permit/reserved areas up until 10 am Monday through Friday. After 10:00 am these permit/reserved areas are open to the general public and space cannot be reserved.
By Telephone – You may make a credit card payment for your parking by telephone by calling the BART parking vendor at 1-877-700-7275

Airport Long Term Parking Online Bart Reservations.  Here’s the link (it was somewhat hard to find)

  • The long term airport parking page at Dublin/Pleasanton.  Sometimes called the APLT = airport long term.
  • on that page above, we pick the Dublin/Pleasanton link.  Then click next on the “select a spot page”
  • If there are no spots left at Dublin/Pleasanton, then I might consider the west Dublin Station.
  • Address is 6400 Golden Gate, Dublin, CA 94568
  • I think you just pick the nights which the car is going to stay over.  Thus the “end” date is probably the day before you pick up the car.
  • You will have to log in with email as user name.
  • Payment is visa or mastercard only.
  • A printout needs to be made and placed on the windshield.


How to do Panorama with Coolpix

I have the Nikon Coolpix S9700

Nifty purchase from Costco, here in Modesto.  I’m thinking about using it in our Modesto Plastic Surgery practice or our Modesto Botox practice – at least the staff could have fun using it for whatever purpose they would need it for in the medical office.  They could document packages which arrive.  Or they could document any leaks in the roof if any (fingers crossed).

Panorama with Coolpix, nikon

panoramic blur. This is not how you take a panoramic picture

How to figure out Panaroma on the Nikon CoolPix S9700

I couldn’t exactly figure out how to do Panaroma on this camera, but I stumbled upon it by fiddling around with it.  I’m sure it’s probably in the manual, but I haven’t even gotten that far yet.

It wasn’t the most intuitive because it didn’t have a button on the camera which says “panorama.”  That would just be way too easy.

I’m thinking this would work on several other in the Nikon Cool pix series.

Step by step Panarama:

  1. Turn camera on
  2. Rotate the top right dial to “Scene”
  3. Press “menu” on the bottom right of the camera (when looking at the camera screen)
  4. The on the screen, scroll down to the choice that says “easy panorma”
  5. Select how “wide” of a panorama you want:  it will ask you to choose between 180 degrees or 360 degrees.  Usually I find 180 degrees to be sufficient.
  6. Then press the shutter button and start rotating the camera to the right/left or rotating the camera up/down.  The motion needs to be stead.  Follow the on screen prompts.


For some reason it wasn’t straight forward for me.

Cellular Signal Booster

I recently wrote a blog about Botox and WiFi.  What I meant from that is that Botox acts in a way which is akin to cutting off the WiFi signal.  There is no other connection between Botox and WiFi.

I really got a Cellular Signal Booster for a apparent dead zone in Modesto

But all this got me thinking about my Cellular Signal around my house.  I decided to take a plunge and get a cellular signal booster.  I got the Wilson Electronics DT4G cellular signal Booster 460101.  I’m hoping that it would add one or two bars to my reception around our house.  There appears to be certain cellular dead zones in Modesto and Del Rio, depending on the carrier.  Regardless, I figured, I could try a boost and see what this is all about.

And by cellular, I didn’t mean cells from a biological stand point; instead I mean it from a electronic cell-phone perspective.

cellular signal booster

WiFi and Cellular Signal – interchangeble when using it as part of my Botox Analogy.

I could have substituted the word WiFi for Cellular Signal in my essay trying to explain how Botox works.  Regardless, either type of “signal” works as a pretty decent, but not perfect, example of how Botox works.

Details of the Wilson Electronics Cellular Signal Booster DT4G

  • It uses 8 Watts according to the box.
  • It doesn’t work with Clearwire.
  • But boosts signals for 4G, 3G, and 2G data downloads.
  • Uses the RG6 cable – included in kit.
  • It is designed to provide boosted signal to a single room.

I also got a CyberPower Battery Backup 625 va / 375 watts (SX625G) to accompany this device

  • It has surge protection of 890 Joules.
  • Battery runtimes: 65 minutes for DVRs, 18 minutes on a 21 inch iMac desktop computer, 6 minutes with a 32 inch LCD TV with came console.


So far the set-up seems to work well.  Phone calls are already clearer!  I’ll probably get one for the office so that our office staff and patients can get an even better signal too.  Visit us at our Modesto Plastic Surgery and Botox office.




1/1第一天 桃園ñ基督城                        CI055 23:00/17:45+1






1/2第二天 基督城                    


◎基督城是南島第一大城。素有花園城市之稱的基督城。它保持了南島優雅而傳統的文化氣質, 建有古色古香的哥德式教堂,及19世紀灰石砌建築, 此地最早的英國移民有計劃地把城市建設為家鄉的模樣,因此又被稱為英國以外最像英國的城市,深具濃厚的古典英國風味,宛如花園城堡繽紛多彩,雅芳河緩緩地穿越市中心,編織出浪漫的風情。



早餐:機上套餐 中餐: 機上套餐 晚餐:日式壽司餐盒

住宿: Novotel Hotel Christchurch

Address:52 Cathedral Square Christchurch Canterbury 8011 New Zealand

Phone:+64 3 372 2111


1/3第三天 基督城v蒂卡波湖v好牧羊人小教堂v庫克山

早餐後,專車前往庫克山國家公園,之後穿過平疇綠野,牛羊滿山谷之南島風光,前往風光明媚之蒂卡波湖小鎮,蒂卡波湖其獨特近乎牛乳藍的美麗湖水顏色,讓您不禁深深讚歎,這裡您還可以看到風景最美的▲牧羊人教堂。接著前往有南半球阿爾卑斯山之稱的庫克山國家公園,它有紐西蘭屋脊之稱,也是海拔最高的國家公園,高達三千七百多公尺,面積達十七萬三千英畝,沿途流覽△庫克山國家公園區的美景,空曠的草原以及南阿爾卑斯山雄偉之山景,並眺望庫克山頭終年積雪不融之景色,我們抵達國家公園後▲庫克山國家公園風景區(MT. COOK)─有南半球阿爾卑斯山之稱的庫克山國家公園,是海拔最高的國家公園。主峰庫克山─毛利人稱其為歐拉奇:即「穿雲錐」之意;高達三千七百多公尺,面積十七萬三千英畝,聳立於庫克山國家公園為白雲所圍繞的群山之間。長年積雪、山勢挺拔,在公路上開車,漸漸接近庫克山群時,就可以感受到大山壓境的震懾感。公園內危岸陡壁,景觀特殊,高山湖泊之間,由奶油般的運河連接而成,運用於水利發電的技術。晚餐更是安排●豐碩豪華的宮庭式晚餐、一邊享受美食、一邊繼續放眼觀賞庫克山的山姿回味冰河的情趣、夜宿於山谷公園。


早餐:飯店內自助餐       中餐:日式鮭魚料理                   晚餐:旅館主廚推薦

住宿:Hermitage Hotel(Superior Room)

89 Terrace Road, Aoraki Mount Cook

Mackenzie, New Zealand

+64 3-435 1809


1/4第四天庫克山v塔斯曼冰川Kia Point步道探索之旅v皇后鎮~包伯斯峰

早餐後展開一段輕鬆的健行之旅▲啄羊步道Kea Point ;一開始的路段是平整的石子路、木棧道,沿路可以欣賞高山野花,幸運的話還可以看到野兔在一旁跳來跳去,後半段則是略為爬坡的路段,這段路程接近冰河及雪山山脈,啄羊步道的終點是可以看見塔斯曼冰河及庫克山山峰的展望臺,絕美的景色令人心曠神怡。今日續南下首先前往克倫威爾水果重鎮。您可於當地路邊水果攤買到農地裡新鮮採摘的水果。結束後繼續前往皇后鎮,名聞遐邇的渡假休閒景區,依山傍水、四季暢宜,是最羅曼蒂克的湖邊渡假小鎮-皇后鎮。傍晚安排搭乘★高空纜車(SKY LINE GONDOLA)登上包柏斯山,欣賞湖光山色的景致。並於★SKYLINE RESTAURANT享用豐盛的KIWI式自助晚餐,邊吃邊欣賞著南十字星照耀下的小鎮夜景,極目遠眺,最為心矌神怡。瓦卡蒂普湖的美麗全景,傳進耳朵的是現場樂隊所表演悅耳動聽的音樂,讓您沉醉在如此浪漫的用餐氛圍裡。

2015年懷憶停紐西蘭法會假今晚在皇后鎮舉辦,我們選擇在Hilton Queenstown Resort & Spa舉辦法會


早餐:飯店內自助餐       中餐:飯店西式料理       晚餐:包伯峰西式自助式晚餐

住宿:Hilton Queenstown Resort & Spa

Kawarau Village, 79 Peninsula Rd,  Queenstown,  9300,  New Zealand

TEL: 64-3-4509400 FAX: 64-3-4509401  



早餐後獨家安排參加★Wilderness魔戒之旅來一趟驚險刺激的冒險旅程,Wilderness魔戒之旅始于格林諾奇,深入阿斯帕林山國家公園世界遺產保護區。觀賞令人屏息的美景,在交錯蜿蜒的冰川湖泊中乘快艇縱橫馳騁。快艇將深入聞名於世的阿斯帕林山國家公園(Mount Aspiring National Park)中心地帶。您不僅能觀賞到令人屏息的美景,還能體驗在交錯蜿蜒的冰川湖泊中乘快艇縱橫馳騁。知識豐富、幽默風趣的嚮導將為您講述該地區的歷史文化。漫步在古老的櫸木林中,觀賞已有8000萬年悠久歷史的森林,參觀《魔界》電影中描述中土世界的取景地。在100%純淨的世界體驗原汁原味的紐西蘭之旅。傍晚時分來到皇后鎮碼頭安排★搭乘有百年歷史蒸汽引擎遊輪-TSS厄恩斯勞號蒸汽船,暢遊景色秀麗絕美的【瓦卡蒂普湖】。位於兩側高聳入雲的山嶽、山巒起伏的青翠草原與清澈見底的湖水所建構成的絕色美景之中。牆紅瓦周圍全是花團錦簇★瓦特峰高原牧場,和勁拔挺立的松柏,美不勝收令人流連忘返。在牧場主人帶領下參加牧場活動及觀賞精彩有趣的剪羊毛秀和牧羊犬趕羊表演,您可以抱小羊,與牛羊合照。之後來到上校田園之家,享用道地的紐式BBQ餐,屋內裝飾古色古香,處處可見當初先人胼手胝足的歷史痕跡。


早餐:飯店內自助餐       中餐:中式午餐七菜一湯          晚餐:紐西蘭傳統風味餐

住宿:Hilton Queenstown Resort & Spa

Kawarau Village, 79 Peninsula Rd,  Queenstown,  9300,  New Zealand

TEL: 64-3-4509400 FAX: 64-3-4509401 


1/6第六天 皇后鎮v米佛峽灣海上巡航v蒂阿納v蒂阿納螢火蟲洞

早晨專車前往環繞於群山森林之間的▲峽灣國家公園,宛如人間仙境般的秀麗風光。在峽灣國家公園中,最熱門、最具知名度的觀光點便是米佛峽灣 (Milford Sound)。「Sound」在英文的意思中是指很深的峽灣。米爾峽灣在冰河時期便被侵蝕成很深的峽穀,兩旁直立高聳的山崖,高達一千公尺,水底最深處則有290公尺,相當驚人。早餐後專車沿▲第阿鬧湖,前往紐西蘭最大、世界排名第五的峽灣國家公園,公園內景色既壯麗又秀致, 有著名的鏡湖、河馬遂道、千瀑之穀等。國家公園的湖泊、森林、高山與瀑布舉目皆是。午間抵達米佛峽灣,億萬年冰河解凍期,冰河歸向大海,陡峭山勢令人讚歎;我們將搭乘★峽灣遊艇遊覽,觀賞由冰河遺跡及海水切割深谷而成的峽灣景觀,其中米特峰海拔1692公尺,為 全世界最高的獨立岩塊,於巡曳行程中您並有機會可觀賞特有的寒帶動物: 如海豹、海豚等。峽灣國家公園的出入口, 也是南島第一大湖—第阿諾湖。晚餐後安排★搭乘遊船遊覽第一大湖,隨後抵達旅客服務中心,展開★國家公園螢火蟲洞窟之旅TE ANAU CAVE, 在休息室內先觀賞第阿納湖及螢火蟲生態的介紹影片, 並提供咖啡及熱茶, 之後分批前往進入洞穴內展開一段奇異旅程, 搭乘無動力的小船無聲無息的滑入地下湖中,螢火蟲奇境似天星閃爍,令人陶醉。


早餐:飯店內自助餐       中餐:峽灣遊船自助餐              晚餐:中式料理七菜一湯(含龍蝦半隻)

住宿:Distinction Te Anau Hotel (Lake View)

Address: 64 Lakefront Terrace, Te Anau 9460, New Zealand

Telephone: +64 3 249 9700         Facsimile: +64 3 249 7947



早餐後前往丹尼丁前進,沿途農家處處,彷彿一幅世外桃源的景色,起伏的山巒,低頭吃草的牛羊。有如時空交錯一般,讓人有置身英國。沿著紐西蘭南島最有蘇格蘭風情的風景路線,來到位於南島東南海岸─但尼丁 (Dunedin),但尼丁 (Dunedin)是以壯麗景色著稱於世。散佈在沙灘上的巨大圓型鵝卵石—▲毛利奇龍珠石MOERAKI,此為歷經數百萬年歷史見証之巨大圓石,成百上千各重達3-4噸。又是另一大自然創造萬物的奇景之一。但尼丁也以石楠花聞名於紐西蘭,一到了十月陽春的這個時分,石楠花便開遍滿城滿園,無限芬芳。前往奧塔哥半島的保留區拜訪★【黃眼企鵝】,由專業嚮導帶領解說。最有趣的是,遊客需透過各種偽裝,以不打擾企鵝作息為考量(例如將臉用木炭塗黑)走入預設的壕溝、隱藏在觀察小屋…等等,以便可以貼身觀察黃眼企鵝,遊客有機會近距離拍下黃眼企鵝的倩影。特別安排★【百年歷史啤酒中心SPEIGHT’S-風味餐】紐西蘭百年歷史啤酒廠SPEIGHT’S BREWERY,成立於1876年是紐西蘭最老的傳統蘇格蘭啤酒工廠和紐西蘭人最愛喝的啤酒之一,進入酒廠內您就可以聞到濃濃的麥香和啤酒的香氣和傳統的銅製的大型發酵槽和介紹啤酒的古老歷史,您將有機會看到裝瓶過程並在酒廠吧檯品嚐新鮮的啤酒。(依紐西蘭法律規定,未成年不得飲酒。)


早餐:飯店內自助餐       中餐:中式午餐七菜一湯          晚餐:SPEIGHT’S-風味餐

住宿:Mercure Dunedin Leisure Lodge

30 Duke Street – North Dunedin

9016 Dunedin – New Zealand

Tel : (+64)3/4775360 – Fax : (+64)3/4775460


1/8第八天  但尼丁ñ羅吐魯阿  NZ5016/NZ5374  08:20/11:30

午後前往有【上帝的調色盤】之稱的★地熱異世界公園(WAI-O-TAPU)參觀,五彩繽紛的熱池,是「懷歐塔普」最大的天然泉,觀賞自然色彩水池的獨特自然奇觀!“Wai-O-Tapu”意指「聖水」(Sacred Waters),發音為” 哇歐塔撲”。 Wai-O-Tapu地熱公園占地18平方公里,位於Maungakakamea(Rainbow Mountain)火山之南,是陶波火山區內最大的地熱區,園區內景觀包含倒塌火山口(Crater)、冷/熱泥池(Mud Pool)、間歇泉(Geyser),以及會噴水/噴泥/噴氣的火山噴孔(Fumarole)。安排參觀▲漢默拉納冷泉,北島第一大冷泉、漫步紅木森林區,享受森林浴、吸收芬多精。晚餐特別推薦: ▲Aorangi Peak Restaurant白雲峰餐廳被壯麗秀美的景色,休閒放鬆的自然環境所包圍。Aorangi Peak Restaurant 白雲峰餐廳剛好坐落在著名旅遊城市羅托魯阿的Mountain路的頂端,就仿佛屹立在天空之中的夢幻小屋。Aorangi Peak Restaurant白雲峰餐廳提供各式精緻美味的佳餚,羊羔肉的烹飪更是讓人垂涎欲滴,讚不絕口,在國際上都享有不錯的聲譽。Aorangi Peak Restaurant白雲峰餐廳特別精心設計的功能表更為前來品嘗美食的客人全面呈現最好的當地美食和高水準的烹飪技巧。每日更新不同的新穎菜式,給客人與眾不同的新鮮感。人生最愜意的的享受時刻就在Aorangi Peak Restaurant白雲峰餐廳。



早餐:飯店內自助餐       中餐:紐西蘭野味鹿肉養生      晚餐:白雲山頂景觀西式餐

住宿:Distinction Hotel Rotorua 

Distinction Rotorua Hotel & Conference Centre

390 Fenton Street 3040 Rotorua

New Zealand

Phone: +64 7 349 5200

Fax: +64 7 349 5201


1/9第九天  羅吐魯阿v奧克蘭ñ台灣   CI54 20:45/06:00+1

愛哥頓牧場是羅吐魯阿的五星景點,羅吐魯阿地區是紐西蘭農產品出口的重鎮之一。在★愛哥頓牧場搭乘觀光農車參加農車遊牧場之活動參觀奇異果園、餵食紅鹿、牛羊群和可愛羊駝。品嚐奇異果汁、蜂蜜等系列活動;後往紐西蘭羊毛被製造工廠,讓您親身參觀體驗其專業的製造過程,也可於此購買到期物美價廉的產品。奧克蘭,它可說是紐西蘭的代表城市,尤其是其兩側均臨海的狹長地形與居民擁有私人船隻的世界最高比例,均可說是獨一無二的城市特質,也因此它贏得了「帆船之都」的美名。中午安排前往▲朗豪酒店”八國風味餐廳”享用美式、中式、日式、法式、印式等異國風情料理。抵達後隨即展開市區觀光,之後前往MISSION BAY的高級住宅區,欣賞港灣美景。之後前往名品及免稅商店林立的皇后大街~Queen Street,為親友選購禮品。午後驅車前往機場搭乘華航直飛班機返回台灣甜蜜的家園。


早餐:飯店內自助餐       中餐:八國風味餐           晚餐:機上套餐



1/10第十天  桃園

06:00 班機於今日抵達桃園機場出關後返回溫暖的家

Where were we before Modesto, Botox and Plastic Surgery?

Before Plastic Surgery, Modesto and Botox, we spent met a wonderful retired pianist named Joan Orvis who lived next door.

There’s a lot before Modesto, Botox, and Plastic Surgery.  But today, I was reminded of Dr. Wu (Tammy’s) neighbor – while she was an undergraduate student at Brown University.

Here’s the story which I posted on FaceBook, but I share here:

My story of pianist Joan Orvis, our friend.

I want to spend a moment here to celebrate my memory of my friend pianist Joan Orvis. I met her when Tammy and I were young students at Brown University. Tammy lived off campus on Blackstone Blvd. She had a neighbor (Joan) in her apartment complex who played piano from time to time. She found out that I played violin. She introduced me to piano trio music at the highest level. I had always loved listening to piano trios, but never had the chance to play them. Her sister lived nearby and was a professional cellist. The three of us would get together regularly through my 8 years at Brown University and play trios. This was completely off the grid from Brown University. We even performed throughout Rhode Island as a trio. Some of my favorite classical music is piano trios and quartets, and all this blossomed from the time that I spent with Joan and her sister. Joan was a retired piano professor from University of Wisconsin-Platteville for nearly 30 years. I was just checking the internet to see what has happened to my friend whom I’ve lost contact with. I just found out that she passed away in 2001. My memories of that time were jogged when I saw Chee Yun’s posting about a piano quartet which I’ve always loved. I’ve shared that version on FB this morning (please see that video – it is quite worthy). In this link, the piano is played by one of Joan Orvis’ teacher (Menahem Pressler who is now 90 years old), so I share it here:


and for reference, here’s Chee Yun’s posting of a rehearsal in Hawaii:

I have much to be thankful for.  Thank you Joan for your friendship and the wonderful music.

– Calvin Lee