Tag Archives: microneedling

Derma Pen Recommendations

dermapen with logo

For our Modesto Plastic Surgery Practice, I’ve come up with these guidelines.

Derma Pen is a modality for improving:

  • Rosacea
  • Scars
  • Lax Skin
  • UV Damage
  • Stretch marks

Is the DermaPen a New Invention?

before-after-1Yes and No.  The makers of Derma Pen thinks it’s a new invention.  However, I’m an acupuncturist who does cosmetic acupuncture.  This idea of wounding the skin with a needle to cause more collagen growth is not new.  From what I know, this needling concept has been used thousands of years ago in acupuncture.  Most acupuncturists today don’t know the art of cosmetic acupuncture.  It requires additional training.  However, I (Dr. Calvin Lee) was very interested in cosmetic acupuncture because it complements our Modesto Plastic Surgery practice.

But I must say the concept of attaching 11 cosmetic acupuncture needles to the end of a machine is a new concept.  What this can do, I cannot do by hand.  I am simply not patient enough to cover as much ground as this machine can.  Finally after 5000 years, there is an improvement to acupuncture!

The Boston Channel website regarding Cosmetic Acupunture – interviews Dr. Calvin Lee (me)

Derma Pen Rivals Lasers?

Article on Automated Microneedling Rivals Energy-Based Tx

Cost of Derma Pen Procedure:

  • MD model (deeper) of the Derma Pen, not the Aesthetician Model (less deep)
  • Done by a Surgeon who is trained in aesthetic injections for the face, who is also an Acupuncturist who is also trained in Cosmetic Acupuncture (um, that’s me).
  • Includes addition of Kerotinocyte Growth Factors with no additional cost – right where the skin is most absorbent.  Yes, growth factors is another craze in the skin care industry.

$400-$500 per session.  Prices change, please call us for more info.


1) Stop Tretinoin/Retin-A x 2 days before procedure
2) Avoid prologned / direct sun exposure or sun burns to the treatment area for 2 days
3) Skin should be clean and makeup free before coming for the procedure
4) We will place numbing cream containing Lidocaine 15 minutes before the procedure.

How often can the Derma Pen be done?

ANSWER: You should see an improvement in your skin after the first visit. You can have them as close as once per month. At this time we are recommending, once per month for the first 5 months, the after that possibly every third month to continue to show improvements.

How long does Derma Pen results last?

I’m going to answer this based on what I’ve seen with my Cosmetic Acupuncture practice. With Cosmetic Acupuncture, after about 10 sessions, we have seen patients keep their changes for about 2 years. I think we’ll get to that result after 4 treatments with derma pen. But the reason people keep getting treatments after 4 sessions is that improvements continue on and I think folks would be excited to see the clock turn backwards even more.

Post operative care after DERMA PEN:

1) Stay away from sun exposure x 7 days
2) Wear hat x 7 days (wear as much as you can)
3) Do not wear sun screen x 12 hours (we don’t want this to absorb into your skin)
4) Do not wear make-up x 12 hours
5) Cold sore patients may want to take medication
6) Use your serums: Phyto, B5 Gel, Vitamin C gel right away and daily afterwards to take advantage of the greater penetration after Derma Pen
7) Your skin will be dry and a bit red for the next 2-3 days after the procedure. Moisturize with Phyto, B5 Gel, and/or any other favorite moisture product of yours.


Can DermaPen be used for darker skin?

Yes, Derma Pen can be used on skin of all colors.



www.SurgeryToday.com (209) 551-1888

(209) 551-1888