Category Archives: Cosmetic Surgery

Microderm For Skin Is Like New Sago Palm Leaves

It’s June here in Modesto, CA.  In my backyard, I have several Sago palm trees which are developing new leaves.  These new leaves are very soft – very much like the new skin that is encouraged to grow via microdermabrasion.  Perhaps the same analogy could be made for old skin before microdermabrasion – it would be like the older leaves on the plant which are somewhat rough and prickly.

Sago Palm New Growth

New growth from our Sago Palm. The new leaves are soft to touch, just like the new skin that is encouraged to grow after microdermabrasion.

Sago Palm New Leaves - opening up even more

This is the same Sago Palm tree as above. The new leaves are almost opened up completely. At this point the new leaves are still very soft and silky to touch.

Below pictures are closer up pictures of the new growth on the sago palm tree.  These pictures are in between the stages of the first and second picture.  The pictures below show how the sago palm leaves uncurl.  It has a scroll like appearance – somewhat like the scroll head of a violin.

a uncurling of alien fingers 2

a uncurling sago 2

Closeup of one of the earliest stages of new palm leaf growth for our Sago Palm in our backyard in Modesto, CA

Closeup of one of the earliest stages of new palm leaf growth for our Sago Palm in our backyard in Modesto, CA

Sago Seed (not really related to Microdermabrasion or Sago Palm new leaves, but nevertheless a nice picture)

Sago Seed (not really related to Microdermabrasion or Sago Palm new leaves, but nevertheless a nice picture)


Learn more about microderm in Modesto, CA.


FaceBook rejects Plastic Surgery Advertisement


Conflict with Plastic surgery and FaceBook Ads

See update below.

It’s understandable that FaceBook has a diverse audience.  I just wanted to post this to help others who are considering advertisements with FaceBook.

I am very thankful that FaceBook has given us tools to promote our practice, but when it has come to advertisements, it has been a bit difficult when it comes to promoting Breast Augmentation.

I think perhaps wording could be adjusted in a way that it doesn’t offend FaceBook.  I’m in the process of adjusting the ads.  I’ve tried about 4 different ads on FaceBook, and they have been rejected.  All of them have had the word “breast” in it.  I tried to remove the word “augmentation” however that didn’t help.

What we wanted to advertise was a free informational session with those who are interested in breast augmentation.   Perhaps this is a strange concept.  We’re not entirely sure because we’ve not done this yet.

FaceBook took a long time to approve the plastic surgery ads which had the word “breast” in it.

In the past when I advertised things like Latisse, the ads were approved within perhaps a few hours.  But I thought something was strange when the breast augmentation advertisements for Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Tammy Wu in Modesto, CA was taking over 48 hours.  On about the third day we were notified that the ads had not been approved.

Here’s a picture of what it looks like when your plastic surgery advertisement is rejected by FaceBook:

facebook rejects plastic surgery

Disapproved: “Your ad wasn’t approved because it violates Facebook’s Ad Guidelines by advertising adult products or services, including toys, videos, or sexual enhancement products.”

In the past I’ve had rejection of ads before for plastic surgery, but when I’ve written an email to the contact us section in the help files, they would review the ads and then release them, but sometimes that would take a few more days later.  I don’t have that luxury this time.  But I also think that this wasn’t a mistake on FaceBook’s part, this may be part of a ban against “Breast Augmentation” advertisements.

Your ad wasn’t approved because it violates Facebook’s Ad Guidelines by advertising adult products or services, including toys, videos, or sexual enhancement products.”

It’s unfortunate in my opinion, as we see Breast Augmentation as a medical and surgical procedure, not something that is as they had quoted as the reasons for the rejection of my plastic surgery / breast augmentation info session advertisements.

I’m writing this to let other plastic surgeons and advertisers who work for the plastic surgeons know that this is a potential roadblock from FaceBook, but perhaps choosing different words may help.

Meanwhile, I’ll also contact FaceBook, to see if I can learn more about the situation and explain to them our situation and see if they feel any differently.  I’d like to be hopeful that FaceBook doesn’t purposely block plastic surgeons and their plastic surgery advertisements.  I’ll also find out if this is something new or in response to some sort of religious/public requests that FaceBook is trying to appease.  I totally understand that it isn’t easy to please everybody in this world.

Stay tuned as I write them back for an explanation – although it will most likely be too late for our Breast Augmentation Info Sessions with Dr. Tammy Wu.  There is much for us to learn about the massive world called FaceBook.


Update:  I got one of the ads approved a day after

A day after I wrote the above blog.  I finally got one of the ads approved, but I took the words Breast and Augmentation off of the copy of the advertisement, but I didn’t change the landing page which was a facebook event advertising our Breast Augmentation Open House event.

approved ad

approved ad actual

At this point, I’m still waiting for FaceBook to respond to my emails regarding my previous ad.  Perhaps plastic surgeons need to avoid the words “Breast Augmentation” on their ads from this point on?


I got a response back in 1 day from FaceBook.  They didn’t exactly talk about the ads which I did specify over age 21.  But I suspect it has something to do with a filter that screened out the word “Breast”.  But there are some good points in this email about changing the status of a FaceBook Page (ie. our Surgical Artistry Page on FaceBook).  I’m making these changes and I think this will work:

Hi Calvin,

Thanks for writing in. Your ad was rejected because it violates the targeting policies of the Ad Guidelines. Ads for acceptable adult products (ex: cosmetic surgery and family planning) must be targeted to people 18 years or older.

While you can’t edit the targeting for an existing Promoted Post, please create a new targeting-compliant post, and share it on your Page to reach your fans and their friends. To target your posts appropriately, I suggest you gate your post first, and then run the promoted posts. To limit or target your posts, make sure your Page has post privacy gating turned on:
– At the top of your Page, click Edit Page
– Select Manage Permissions
– Check the box next to Post privacy gating
– Click Save Changes

After this, you will be able to see the option of targeting in your box to try messages. To add targeting:

– Before you publish your post, click the target in the sharing tool.
– Click Add Targeting and choose one or more of these filters: Gender, Relationship Status, Education, Interested In, Age, Location, and Language.
– Click the options on the right side to choose who you want to target your post to. For example, when targeting by gender, Male is automatically selected. Click ‘Male’ and select ‘Female’ to target your post to women’s news feeds instead.
– When you’re done adding filters, click Post.


Risk Operations

Further Update 7/28/13 – more difficulties for Botox advertising

I tried to follow the directions and advertise a BOTOX event.  However, that Boosted post got rejected again.  I’m sending another email to FaceBook to see if they can help me.  My overall conclusion is that it isn’t really easy to advertise on FaceBook with Plastic Surgery Ads, even with some expert help from Alan (see above).  But perhaps there are other problems.  I have noticed that there are other methods of getting to the targeting features on these ads.

Join our Surgical Artistry Page on FaceBook.


Modesto Breast Augmentation Informational Session with Dr. Tammy Wu

Cosmetic Breast Surgery Open House at Surgical Artistry

Saturday, June 1, 2013. (this event has passed, but if you are interested in more events like this with us in the future, feel free to let us know).  Of course you can still have a private breast enhancement surgery consultation with Dr. Tammy Wu.

Small group discussions relating to Breast Enhancement with Dr. Tammy Wu – which includes Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift. Get some expert information and meet Dr. Tammy Wu in person. This is an introduction to a formal one-on-one consultation with Dr. Tammy Wu which may be scheduled for a future date.

Come anytime between 9am-12pm on Saturday, June 1, 2013.  We’ll have free food and prizes. Free informal small group meetings with Dr. Wu at 9am, 10am and 11am (pick the time that works for you). Existing patients – feel free… to come and bring friends and of course enter the free drawing for 8 winners:The 8 winners will get to choose: a box of 3ml Latisse (normally $89 at Surgical Artistry – retails for $120) or 20U of Botox (normally worth $234 at Surgical Artistry). Entry rules: You just have to stop by long enough to fill out a drawing form. (ie. 5 minutes or less! – no need to be present to win, but if you want to stay for the mini-lectures, they start at 9am, 10am and 11am).Reservations are not needed but, we would love to prepare in advance regarding how many people are coming so if you can, please call us to let us know that you are coming (209) 551-1888.

Dr. Tammy Wu is a board certified Plastic Surgeon who graduated top of her Ivy League medical school – Brown University. She was given the award for the #1 graduating female medical student. She has been in practice in Modesto, CA for 10 years. Her husband is Dr. Calvin Lee, a board certified General Surgeon who specializes in Botox, Fillers (Juvederm), Veins, and Acupuncture and he will also be at the informal informational session to provide any information regarding his areas of experience.

Our office is 2336 Sylvan Ave. Suite C, Modesto, CA 95355. Our main webpage is (209) 551-1888.

Visit the FaceBook Events page:


Update on the Cosmetic Breast Augmentation and Lift Event

  • About 40-50 people came.
  • The event was staffed and sponsored by Mentor, makers of breast implants.
  • 9 people signed up for consultation
  • 8 winners got chosen for Latisse/Botox.


BRCA, Mastectomy, Angelina Jolie, and My Thoughts as a General Surgeon in Modesto, CA

I felt compelled to write a little bit on this subject.  I have been a breast cancer surgeon and have worked together with my wife, Dr. Tammy Wu on breast reconstruction after I had done the breast cancer operation.  In fact, part of my dream, which has somewhat died, was to create a breast cancer center.  The same kind that Angelina Jolie had gone to for her treatment.  It involves many breast cancer specialists under the same roof.

I had been one of the first surgeons in Modesto to bring sentinel lymph node technology to breast cancer surgeries.  I had helped certify my other surgical partners at a group which used to be called McHenry Medical Group.  We were a group of 6 surgeons at the time.  This was the group that brought me to Modesto, CA.  I also had been trained to perform skin sparing mastectomies.  Dr. Wu and I have performed several of these procedures together here in Modesto.  Dr. Wu would assist me in these procedures and then I would assist her in the reconstruction. However in 2006, we made a decision to move Surgical Artistry more toward a cosmetic surgery – only – focus.

Angelina Jolie’s surgery used sentinel lymph node technology, nipple sparing mastectomy techniques, and then followed up by breast reconstruction with tissue expanders and then with what I believe are anatomically shaped implants – possibly the implants that we have just been blogging about – the new gummy bear breast implants – approved in February of this year.  Dr. Wu has been familiar with all aspects of Angelina Jolie’s breast reconstruction with expanders and implants.

But what is new to me, as a general surgeon who backed off from breast cancer surgery in 2006 is: The nipple delay procedure – I think this is genius!.  This procedure is usually done when patients have had previous augmentation or when there is fear of cancer hiding underneath the nipple area, and also for improving nipple/areolar survival after mastectomies.  The blood supply is improved.  Dr. Tammy Wu explained to me that this idea is also done in plastic surgery procedures such as TRAM flaps – where a extraneous blood supply is cut off first and then a waiting period is done to have the rest of the blood supply improve – before performing the full surgery.  And I have never performed a double mastectomy.  I have received three requests (that I can remember) for this in my breast cancer surgery career, but I have turned all three of them down, but recognizing that it is a patient’s choice.  I have hooked them up with other surgeons.  I felt somewhat uncomfortable removing the mastectomies.  Not all of these patients has had definitive BRCA testing and at the time, and I would say that BRCA testing was newer back in the early 2000’s.  Thus some of these requests were based on just “disliking breast cancer” and wanting to “reduce breast cancer risk.”  But I know that breast cancer risk is present even after I do a mastecomy (meaning breast removal).  Why?  Because inevitably, I will leave some breast tissue behind, and much of the breast tissue left behind is in the nipple/areolar complex.  And even if I take the nipple/areolar complex (which is the standard mastectomy), I would leave some tissue and cells behind – especially on the skin flap.  If I made it too thin, the skin flap above could die.  Thus, I felt uncomfortable, personally, removing normal breasts – even though I knew I was married to someone who could reconstruct them very well.  So even if I removed them, the risk of cancer was still there.  Essentially I was thinking that I would reduce a woman’s general risk of breast cancer from 10% (this was the figure I used back then), down to about 5%.  It wasn’t worth it for me.  But with BRCA testing, it is a different story as you read below (the risk reduction is greater because you start at a higher number BRCA mutation positive risk – 87% per Angelina Jolie’s doctors).  So perhaps if I was practicing breast cancer surgeries today, I would be more “comfortable” with performing prophylactic double mastectomy (which is what Angelina Jolie received).

Angelina’s surgery – is public – as she wanted it, and in this blog I paraphrase highlights from Angelina’s general surgeon (breast surgeon).  I think it is wonderful that she is sharing and I think she made a good decision based on the knowledge that is available.

In Summary of Angelina’s surgery:

My one sentence summary of her recent breast surgeries from February 2013 to May 2013:

With a known BRCA1 genetic mutation, Angelina Jolie underwent a prophylactic nipple sparing double mastectomy with sentinel lymph node marking after passing a nipple delay surgery procedure, and then had a staged plastic surgery breast reconstruction procedure involving breast expanders and implants.

  • She underwent genetic testing.
  • She was diagnosed as being BRCA1 mutation positive.
  • She had her surgery done in California at a breast center / surgery center.
  • She had a technique done callled nipple delay.
  • She then underwent prophylactic double mastectomy with nipple sparing surgery
  • She had sentinel lymph node identification done, but not removed – this is in case she gets cancer in the area of her mastecomies in the future.
  • She had breast reconstruction with her plastic surgeon, first with expanders to stretch the skin envelope then with breast implants.

BRCA – a part of overall Breast Health


First, what does BRCA stand for?

BRCA stands for BReast CAncer susceptibility gene.  There are two of these genes identified #1 and #2.  thus the designation BRCA1 and BRCA2

What is BRCA?

  • BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor suppressor genes.
  • In normal cells, BRCA1 and BRCA2 help stabilize DNA and prevent uncontrolled cell growth.
  • Mutation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 has been linked to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.
  • A woman’s risk over her lifetime of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer is much increased if she inherits a harmful mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2.
  • the percentage of people in the general U.S. population that have any mutation in BRCA1 has been estimated to be between 0.1 – 0.6 percent.

Mutations of BRCA1 vs BRCA2

In addition to risk of breast and ovarian cancer BRCA1 and BRCA2 have additional cancer risks to other organs see list below.

BRCA1 mutations may have additional risk of these cancers

  • cervical
  • uterine
  • pancreatic
  • colon cancer

BRCA2 mutations may have additional risk of these cancers

  • pancreatic
  • stomach
  • gallbladder
  • bile duct
  • melanoma

 Angelina Jolie’s Mastectomy and her article in NY times.

  • She had a positive test for the BRCA1 mutation
  • She underwent double prophylactic mastectomy
  • Angelina Jolie’s Op-Ed contribution to the New York Times on May 14, 2013.
  • She explains that, she had a 87% risk of breast cancer and a 50% risk of ovarian cancer, according to her doctors.
  • Only a fraction of breast cancers have the BRCA1 gene mutation.
  • Those with the BRCA1 gene have a 65% risk of getting breast cancer on average.
  • On April 27, 2013 she finished three months of medical procedures which involved the mastectomies.
  • She chose to have bilateral prophylactic mastectomies, meaning removal of both breasts, preventative – without having the disease yet.
  • On Feb 2, 2013, she did a procedure known as “nipple delay” which rules out disease in the breast ducts behind the nipple and draws extra blood to the area.  It is a study which can increase the chances of saving the nipple.
  • 9 weeks later, she had mastectomy with implant reconstruction.
  • She says that her risk of developing breast cancer drops from 87% to under 5%.
  • A primary motivator for her surgery, she says, is so that her children don’t have to fear losing her to breast cancer.
  • The cost of testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 is more than $3000 in the USA.
  • She chose not to keep her story private.

Angelina Jolie’s Surgeon, Dr. Kristi Funk Blogs on May 14, 2013:

  • Emphasizes that each woman’s case is different.  Surgery will not necessarily be the right choice for everyone.  The important thing is to be aware of your options.
  • Approximately 5-10% of all breast cancers and 14% of ovarian cancers occur from a BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic mutation that is inherited from either parent.
  • Women carrying either a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation have up to a 87% lifetime chance of breast cacer and a 54% chance of Ovarian cancer.
  • General population (all comers), there is a 12% risk of breast cancer and less than 1% risk for ovarian cancer.
  • In the general population the risk for a BRCA mutation is 1-500 (.2%) people but those of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage it is 1 in 40.
  • In those who BRCA-1 carriers who get breast cancer, 85% will have a more aggressive “triple negative” subtype (vs. 15% of general population).  Triple negative breast cancers mean ER/PR negative and Her2 – normal.
  • 8 red flags that indication a possible BRCA mutation:
  1. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree relatives from mother or father, with breast cancer before age 50 or ovarian cancer at any age
  2. Ashenazi Jewish Heritage (Easter European)
  3. Male relative with breast cancer
  4. Any relative who is a known BRCA mutation carrier
  5. Breast cancer in self before age 50 – early onset.
  6. Two breast cancers in self, at any age
  7. “Triple negative” breast cancer in self.
  8. 2 or more family members with Breast, Ovarian, Pancreas, Prostate, Melanoma, Uterine, Colon, and Stomach Cancers.
  • There exists non-BRCA inherited genetic mutations associated with breast and ovarian cancer as well.
  • Feb 2, 2013, Angelina had her first operation, the nipple delay.
  • Feb 16, 2013, Mastectomy with Sentinel Nodes Identification – not removed – but dyed.
  • Her plastic surgeon was Dr. Jay Orringer, assisted by her breast cancer surgeon Dr. Kristi Funk – the writer of the blog which I’m paraphrasing from in this section.
  • April 27, 2013, 10 weeks after the mastectomies, she received reconstruction of the breasts with implants.

What is Nipple Delay Surgery?

  •  Considered when the nipple is thought to be at risk for either cancer disease or inadequate blood supply.
  • This is performed 1-2 weeks before the mastectomies.
  • The incision used is the planned mastecomy incision.
  • The small disc of tissue behind the nipple and areola is removed and sent for pathologic diagnosis – to rule out the presence of cancer.  If cancer is present in this area, then nipple sparing/areolar sparing mastecomy would be contraindicated.
  • This procedure could bring extra blood flow to the nipple aream lessening the chances of nipple and skin loss after nipple sparing/areolar sparing mastecomy.
  • This is similar to the delay procedure performed by plastic surgeons :  My wife says: “In Tram Flaps we cut off the inferior blood supply to the rectus muscle to allow the remaining blood supply to get used to taking over – this strengthens the remaining blood supply and in about 2 weeks the remainder of the surgery is done for breast reconstruction.”

How does this relate to us at Surgical Artistry?


  • As a general surgeon, I (Calvin Lee, MD) am a breast cancer surgeon, and I have performed many breast cancer operations in the past including mastectomies.  In 2006, my practice changed and I focused less on breast cancer surgeries.  It is good for me to continue following trends and different thinking regarding breast cancer.
  • I was one of the first surgeons to bring Sentinel Lymph Node biopsy for breast cancer to Modesto, CA.  I helped certify the rest of the other surgeons whom I worked with (at the McHenry Medical Group) for this procedure, since this procedure was part of my residency.
  • I was one of the first to create an online support group for breast cancer.  It was founded in 1997.  And several national publications thought it was the most effective group on the internet at the time.  It is still active on the internet and has been since moved over to Yahoo for management and software run by Yahoo which is tons more stable than what I could have offered.  I also let members of the group run the breast cancer support group and I’ve stepped away for fear of malpractice issues of having a doctor be part of the group – patients there have their own doctors and I was afraid that they would start to look to me for answers and medicine as an art form is practice different and surgery/medicine should be very personalized as it had been for Angelina Jolie.
  • Dr. Wu and I have done several nipple sparing, areolar sparing, skin sparing breast mastectomies with implants together, along with sentinel lymph node biopsy.
  • A huge part of Dr. Tammy Wu’s practice is breast reconstruction after breast surgeries such as mastectomies.  She uses many different breast reconstruction techniques – including implants and expanders (as in Angelina Jolie’s case) or with the patients own tissue either from the back or from the abdomen.
  • We also use the anatomic teardrop shaped breast implants newly approved by the FDA.  I am not certain that these are the ones that Angelina Jolie received, but it is possible and Dr. Wu is the first surgeon in our area to be certified to use these implants.  There are choices other than the 410 Natrelles, there’s the Sientra shaped breast implants.

A great source of info:  Position paper by American Society of Breast Surgeons: updated September 2012.

  • The position statement on BRCA genetic testing for patients with and without breast cancer, above also talks about prophylactic oophorectomy (preventative ovary removal without the presence of cancer).
  • The American Society of Breast Surgeons say that patients without cancer but with a positive BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 deleterious mutation can achieve a greater than 90% reduction in breast cancer risk if they choose to have a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy (as Angelina Jolie did).


Brilliant Distinctions Changes – Botox, Juvederm, Latisse

Brilliant Distinctions

Recent Changes to the Brilliant Distinctions Program

Update:  See updated section on the bottom – info directly from Allergan and the changes start May 15, 2013.

I heard some things about changes to the Brilliant Distinctions Program by our Botox Representative (from Allergan).  I’m not 100% sure of these changes, as I don’t operate the Brilliant Distinctions program (BD), but of course, our plastic surgery practice accepts the coupons and rebates generated from the BD program.

SkinMedica – get points for purchasing

  • Allergan acquired SkinMedica – a skin care product company – prescription and non-prescription based products.  You can now earn points for purchasing SkinMedica products.   Our office currently does not carry Skin Medica products.  I guess I wished it could have been easier / great if Obagi was somehow absorbed by Allergan, because we are a Obagi retailer and a user of Allergan products.  But that merger  didn’t happen.  Instead Valeant purchased Obagi for $348 million dollars in April 2013..  Valeant is based in Montreal.  Valeant has a dermatology portfolio.  Obagi is based in Long Beach, California, and posted revenues of $120 million in the year 2012.  Valeant Pharmaceuticals in September 2012 purchased Medicis for 2.6 billion.  Medicis makes Dysport, Perlane, and Restylane.
  • Around December 2012 Allergan purchased SkinMedica for $350 million

New Brilliant Distinctions Mall

  • Get points for shopping online
  • Similar to a program offered by Chase.
  • Many many vendors online, and shop as you normally would except click through a link from the Brilliant Distinctions website.

Bonus points are going away

  • As fast as it came, it is going away:  There was a bonus points program for the frequent users, in fact after about 12 visit, the bonus points added up to almost double the original amount which was originally $25 coupon after each Botox visit, and for those coming in on the 13th time and beyond, the $25 coupon got a bonus of another $25.  However this is bonus is going away I heard.

The $25 coupon per Botox visit or $25 per Juvederm syringe is dropping down to $20

  • I also heard that the $25 is dropping down to $20.  But the added ability to earn points from the BD Mall is supposed to more than make up for this difference.  I’d like to know if this works out for folks in the future.  Regardless, it is nice to have a program such as BD, so I guess we shouldn’t complain too much about the $25 dropping down to $20.

There’s the ability to print out a $10 coupon

  • This wasn’t available before.   I think this is to help the Latisse-only users use their coupons, because Latisse purchases used to take longer to build up to a coupon.

I just checked with several patients today regarding Brilliant Distinctions.  Most of these changes have taken place yet, but I know they are coming very soon – perhaps at the end of this month (May, 2013).

These changes the program summarized:

  • SkinMedica
  • BD Mall
  • Bonus Points going away
  • $25 return on each visit or each syringe is going down to $20
  • New!, ability to print out $10 coupon (half of the points required to print a $20 coupon).
  • New 9 month expiration period instead of I think it was 2 years before.

We’ll stay tuned and see how these changes take place and hopefully they will continue to keep our Botox / Juvederm / Latisse patients happy.

Surgical Artistry - Calvin Lee, MD / Tammy Wu, MD

Surgical Artistry | Calvin Lee, MD | Tammy Wu, MD
209-551-1888 |
2336 Sylvan Ave. Suite C | Modesto, CA 95355



We got this notice from Brilliant Distinctions.

Starting May 15, 2013:

Points Values: In simplifying the points structure, the values will alter slightly. We’ve added a new coupon value. You can now create a $10 coupon for 100 points. For 200 points, the coupon value will now be $20.

Expiration Period: Points will expire after 9 months of inactivity from earning. We will send you reminders if you are getting close to your points expiring.

Bonus Points: All bonus points accrued to date will remain in your account; however, no more bonus points will be issued. If you have questions, the Brilliant Distinctions® Customer Support line is a phone call away: 1-888-324-2745 (9am-8pm EST. M-F).


Summary:  See summary above also.  But there are some great added features ($10 coupon, BD mall, SkinMedical) and some things taken away (bonus points, $5 taken away from 200 points, and the expiration period ahs been shortened)