Tag Archives: sunscreen

Graceada Park, Modesto, CA

Address for Graceada Park

401 Needham St., Modesto, CA 95354

A bit about Graceada Park

  • There is street parking around the park.
  • Located downtown Modesto.
  • There is a half dome amphitheater – Mancini Bowl
  • Modesto’s oldest city park, developed in 1907
  • Designed by John McClaren, the designer of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco
  • Graceada and Enslen Parks were designed as one park.
  • Names come from the first names of the wives of the families that donated the land for the park:  Grace Beard and Ada Wisecarver.  Enslen park was named for the Enslen family who donated the land to that portion.
  • Tennis courts are present.

the day that I visited the park, an Indian Festival (Holi festival of colors) was going on in the park and required admission which was $20.   I was told that the food was catered from San Francisco.

Holi Festival of Colors 2013

Date: April 28, 2013, Sunday, Graceada Park.

Celebrates the coming of spring, commemorated good harvests and fertile land.  With the colors, it signifies, the colors of spring.  And the color is actually powder.  I think this is where the color runs got their idea.  It was a great fun to see this and take part in this.  There were many doctors at this event, and it was good to see them relax and get a balanced life.  It was very educational for me to experience this custom, and I feel a closer connection to my patients who are Indian / Hindus.  Plus it was very educational for me to figure out how to get the colors out of clothing, camera bag, sneakers, etc.

Pictures from Graceada Park, Modesto, CA on that day

It was a very sunny day and most of us sat in the shade for sun protection, and had our suncreens / sunblocks on.  And if we had a hat, it got totally pelted with colored powder.

IMG_4732 - Copy - smaller IMG_4783 IMG_4773 IMG_4763 IMG_4761 IMG_4744 IMG_4738 IMG_4736 IMG_4735 IMG_4730 a color on face picture by rangu IMG_4787 - Copy IMG_4795 - charles cropIMG_4800  IMG_4790

Above has a picture of me and the color stuck on my face has a great way of hiding my double chin – even better than plastic surgery!  Well, at least for that moment and for that picture.

When not throwing colored powder around we are at work at Surgical Artistry which is located in the Village One “Northern” area of Modesto.  Interestingly, Graceada park was considered in Northern Modesto at the time when it was developed.  Now it is “down town” in the southern part of Modesto.  I had always spelled “Graceda” incorrectly.  There is actually spelled Graceada.

Surgical Artistry

Surgical Artistry - Calvin Lee, MD / Tammy Wu, MD

2336 Sylvan Ave. Suite C, Modesto, CA – next to post office on Sylvan Ave.
(209) 551-1888.  www.SurgeryToday.com 

What do we do at Surgical Artistry?


5 year patients choice     surgical artistry full page ad never boring

I get this question a good deal.  I think it’s probably somewhat confusing as to what we do and we offer a lot of procedures and products.  Basically we are a two surgeon medical group offering services in Veins, Acupuncture, Plastic Surgery, and General Surgery.  That can be quite a lot.  But even with that said, it’s somewhat confusing as to what each of these items involves.  So I thought I’d make a list which doesn’t include everything, but covers most of what we do:



  • Botox for cosmetic
  • Botox for headaches
  • Botox for hand and axillary sweating
  • Botox for TMJ (jaw pain)
  • Fillers (ie. Juvederm)
  • Lip Augmentation with Juvederm or other injectable fillers
  • Vein Laser
  • Vein Injections (ie. with Asclera)
  • Face Vein treatment
  • Acne Consultation
  • Skin Care Consultation
  • Cosmetic Mole Removal
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Chemical peels (ie. Obagi Blue Peel Radiance and Obagi Blue Peel)


  • Acupuncture trigger point deactivation for muscle pain
  • Acupuncture for back pain / neck pain
  • Acupuncture for buttock pain (ie. pyriformis syndrome)
  • Acupuncture for IT band pain (side of thighs wrapping to below knee)
  • Acupuncture for fertility
  • Acupuncture for TMJ (jaw pain)
  • Acupuncture for stress / anxiety
  • Acupuncture for allergies
  • Acupuncture for fibromyalgia
  • Acupuncture for depression
  • Acupuncture for hormones (hot flashes, acne, menstrual cycle)
  • Acupuncture for facial rejuvenation (cosmetic)
  • Acupuncture to boost the immune system
  • General wellness Acupuncture
  • Anti-nausea acupuncture for those undergoing chemotherapy or pregnancy


  • Obagi Line
  • NIA 24 Line
  • Various Skinceuticals


To recover faster from workouts, prevent varicose veins, and prevent injuries

  • Calf sleeves from Sigvaris and CEP brands
  • Full calf sleeves from Sigvaris and CEP brands
  • Dress socks from Sigvaris
  • Thigh high and Pantyhose compression from Sigvaris.

 Contact Us:

Surgical Artistry - Calvin Lee, MD / Tammy Wu, MD


Transformation by Never Boring Graphic Design

Transformation by Never Boring

Never Boring is a Marketing, Advertising, Media Buying, Graphic and Web Design, Film and Multimedia Company located in Modesto, CA.  Today, they celebrated their 30th anniversary.

I wrote an article a few weeks ago about sunscreens for Contentment Health Magazine. In that article, I included a chart that I thought, if they had space, maybe they can cram it into the article.  They really pleasantly surprised me with what they with the chart.  They more than just crammed in the chart.  They made it into a work of art.

This chart is different than the Sunscreen activity chart that I blogged about earlier.

Here’s what I emailed:

Sunscreen ingredient Chart Text

I thought this was already pretty nifty visual in my own nerdy assessment.

and then after some wonderful “magic” by Never Boring:

Sunscreen Ingredients Chart UVA UVB for Chemical, Physical, and Hybrid components

Sunscreen ingredient chart transformed into a beautiful graphic

This is very much like the “before” and “after” pictures that we are so fond of in Plastic Surgery.

Bravo on the design!  Thank you for turning it into a masterpiece!

Note:  The model in the picture, has a great deal of sun damage on her face and hands.  She definitely needs a good sunscreen, otherwise, she will end up being a very good customer of Surgical Artistry (www.SurgeryToday.com).

Here’s the article online I wrote on Sunscreens for Contentment Health

article on sunscreen

Logo by Becky Li, Graphic by Rita Perez

Sunscreen UVA vs UVB Protection Chart

Obagi Sunshield 50.  10.5% zinc oxideSummer time – that also means SunScreen time!  I consider sunscreens even more important than Botox for anti-aging.  And of course there’s no reason why Sunscreen and Botox can’t be used at the same time.

Sunscreen vs. Sunblock: Sunscreen is the modern term.

The term Sunblock seems to be going out.  It’s considered to be somewhat misleading because the term “block” implies total protection.  Sunscreen is used in place of sunblock these days.  A while ago, sunscreen was used to talk about chemical sunscreens and Sunblock was used to describe the ingredients titanium and zinc.


Both are ultraviolet light spectrums – which are really part of a singular continuum.  But for the sake of categorization, UVA is longer wavelengths than UVB.  UVA has more penetration ability.  Both aren’t entire good for your skin in regards to aging and cancers.  So you want to shield from both.  SPF unfortunately only reflects UVB blocking ability.

Mineral vs. Chemical

I like the idea of mineral sunscreens where it doesn’t form a chemical compound with your skin and that it works more like a mirror.  But if you really dislike ultraviolet light damaging your skin, consider both.  My favorite is Zinc Oxide.

Here’s the Chart for Sunscreen active ingredient and it’s action against UVA and UVB.

zinc chart and other sunscreen ingredients against uv-a and uv-b


I found this wonderful chart on the internet.  I’m not sure of the source and I’ve seen it repeated in several different places.  I had to write this blog just so that I could have a copy of this picture somewhere so that I could refer to it when talking about Sunscreen.  As you can see from the chart, it is easy to have Zinc Oxide as your favorite because of its broad spectrum.

What about Vitamin D from the sun?

The Academy of Dermatology current position updated in 2011 recommendation on Vitamin D:

There is no scientifically validated, safe threshold level of UV exposure from the sun
or indoor tanning devices that allows for maximal vitamin D synthesis without
increasing skin cancer risk.

They basically recommend oral supplementation of vitamin D.

After Microdermabrasion and other skin procedures

After a Microdermabrasion or a chemical peel, we recommend that patients protect their skin with a zinc oxide sunscreens.  We also reinforce that with sunscreens, thicker is better – in other words – the strength of a sunscreen is dose dependent.

More Sunscreen Resources:

Thank you for reading my little review of my knowledge of Sunscreens.


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